Page updated 25 March 2025 15:04

New for 2025: Our book on cannas

front front contents

150 garden varieties illustrated.
Cultivation notes for growing in the garden border, in pots and planters, and in the conservatory
Propagation by rhizomes, division, and seeds.
Botany, Taxonomy, Anatomy; Breeding new varieties; Pests and diseases; and more.

The author is Keith Hayward, co-owner of Hart Canna,
Holder of the National Collection of cannas For 25 years
Supported and encouraged by Plant Heritage.
The book is 180mm wide, 246mm long, 9mm thick, 128 pages, weight 330g

Available now, immediate despatch by Post Office.

Please order here (reduced carriage charge if the order is just a book):

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Canna Catalogue 2025

We welcome visitors to our nursery.
Choose cannas and/or our book, or just to be shown around.
Lincluden nursery, The Cedars, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Surrey GU24 9EN
Please arrange your visit by email or phone 0776-295-0000, 01252-514421, to make sure that we will be there.

Also on the same site, we sell giant plastic planters. See



Syn: 'Moonshine'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: White with a touch of yellow in the centre.

award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002.

There is no pure white canna. So-called white cannas either have a tinge of pink or yellow. Often, a day in the sunshine turns them white.

In our opinion, 'Alaska' and 'Ermine' are identical although from different souces.

There are several so-called white cannas which are distinct from 'Alaska'/'Ermine' and from each other. We know of 'Ambassadour', 'Grand Canaria', 'Tropical White, which are also for sale in this catalogue.

The whitest of these, in our opinion, is 'Tropical White'.



Out of stock



Syn: 'Omega' (USA)

out of stock for 2024

Height: Very tall, 2.5m+.
Foliage: Glaucous green lance shape leaves
Flower: Apricot.
award of merit

Granted the prestigious RHS "Award Of Garden Merit", AGM, in the RHS Canna Trial of 2002.

It is the tallest of the canna garden cultivars, and truly spectacular, with large, lance shaped glaucous leaves, and delicate apricot flowers. Extremely vigorous, it soon produces a large clump.



Out of stock

Height: Tall (to 2m)
Foliage: Pale Bronze.
Flower: Dark pink, some would call it red.

A heritage variety, and one of the best.

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Price £14.00 each


A tall and slender plant. May sometimes need staking.

foliage: Very dark shiny chocolate colour.
flower: orange/red.

A heritage variety.

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Syn: 'Striped Beauty'

Out of stock for 2024

Medium height. Green foliage with a fine white pinstripe. The yellow flower has a white stripe down the centre of each petal.

An old variety. Some might say that the alternative name 'Striped Beauty' is a misnoma. In the world of cannas, where beauty is commonplace, it is not outstandingly beautiful. Neither is it very striped. But there is no doubt that it is unique.

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Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green with cream herringbone stripes.
Flower: Orange and yellow.

RHS AGM Award 2002.
award of merit

In our opinion, 'Bethany' and 'Tropicanna Gold' are identical, albeit from different sources.

Bethany was discovered in the garden of Brian West in London as a sport of Pretoria. He named it after his house, and submitted it to the 2002 RHS Canna Trial where it was granted the prestigious AGM award. Quite an achievement for an independent gardener. Similar sports to Bethany have been discovered elsewhere. Gardeners should always be alert for interesting new varieties (sports) arising from their garden plants.


'Bird of Paradise'

Now out of stock for 2024

Very tall (2m).
A tall slender plant with narrow lance shaped leaves in unusual shades of green with pink blush. Coloured stems.

Spidery pink flowers.

Young plants are very thin, about the shape and size of a pencil.

Note: this is not the Strelitzia 'Bird Of Paradise'.

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'Black Knight'

Syn: 'Tchad'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Tall
Foliage: Pale bronze .
Flower: Dark red.

This is the true heritage 'Black Knight'.

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Price: £12.00 each


Height: Medium
Foliage: Green .
Flower: Red.

A relatively short canna with intensely red flowers and narrow lance shaped green foliage with a dark edge.

This variety has small rhizomes. It is very bushy and produces many flowering stems.

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Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Yellow with red speckles.

There are lots of cannas which have yellow flowers covered in red spots. It seems to be a common reversion when canna seeds are sown. Examples are Leopoldii, Richard Wallace, Salsa, Tropical Yellow, Yara, Happy Emily, Taroudant. Some are distinctive and some are not. In history there were some superb examples which have now been lost including Meyerbeer (the spottiest canna of all). Lenape and Picasso won the 2002 AGM award and have also been lost. Canna virus decimated the canna world. The Picasso commonly sold in garden centres is not the one which won the prize, it is a modern inferior imposter.


'Cannova Bronze Scarlet'

Price: £12.00 each.


'CANNOVA' is a range of cannas bred by the Japanese company Takii, and marketed by their Dutch subsidiary. The first 3 varieties were introduced in 2014, since when more have been added.

Some are excellent varieties; Cannova Bronze Scarlet and Cannova Yellow have featured as centrepiece plants at Kew Gardens. Some are excellent and distictive, including Cannova Mango and Cannova Bronze Peach

Cannova Bronze Scarlet at Kew Gardens 2019


'Cannova Bronze Orange'

Price: £12.00 each.


Height: Medium
Foliage: Bronze.
Flower: Orange

Available for the first time in 2017.

Similar to Cannova Bronze Scarlet except for a more orange flower


'Cannova Bronze Peach'

Out of stock

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'Cannova Mango'

Price: £12.00 each


Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Pink.

A distinctive and attractive variety, with nicely shaped flowers in a peachy shade of pink.

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'Cannova Orange Shades'

Price: £12.00 each


Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: orange.
The name "shades" presumably means that the colour varies slightly, though we haven't noticed it.

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Cannova Red Gold Flame

'Cannova Red Gold Flame'

Price: £12.00 each


Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: red and gold.

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A new variety, introduced in 2022

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'Cannova Red Shades'

Price: £12.00 each


Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: shades of red.

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'Cannova Rose'

Price: £10.00 each
Out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Pink.

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'Cannova Yellow'

Price: £12.00 each


Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Yellow with red speckles.

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Canna Carnival


Price: £10.00 each
Out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Brilliant orange.

An old French variety, hence the spelling 'Carnaval'

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Canna Centenaire de Rozain Boucharlat

'Centenaire de Rozain Boucharlat'

Price £12.00 each


Height: Medium
Foliage: Green .
Flower: Red.

An old French variety, with true crimson/pink flowers.

Bushy growth

Canna Champion


Now out of stock for 2024

Height: Tall
Foliage: Bronze.
Flower: Various pink shades in the same flower.

A heritage variety

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Canna Chou Chou


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green
Flower: Pale yellow with pink speckling.

A fairly recent French variety. Very attractive

'City of Portland'

Syn: 'Orchid'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium to tall
Foliage: Green
Large pink flower with yellow center, and a fine yellow edge

A heritage variety

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Canna Cleopatra


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium to tall
Foliage: Green, bronze, or both .
Flower: Yellow and red.

A "Chimaera", the flowers can be red or yellow, and often are partly red and partly yellow. Similarly, the foliage is green with chocolate streaks. Sometimes the flower is completely red and the foliage completely chocolate.

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Out of stock for 2024

Height: Very short
Foliage: Bronze
Nice coral-pink flower

An old French variety

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Price £12.00 each


Height: short
Foliage: Green
Distinctive and attractive pink and yellow flower

One of the original heritage "Holiday Island" series. We don't have 'Tenerife'. If anyone has it, please send us a sample.

canna Délibáb


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Short
Foliage: Pale bronze
Flower: Pink

A heritage Hungarian variety. The name means "mirage"

Canna Durban


Also known as 'Phasion', Tropicanna (TM).

Now out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: Burgundy with pink stripes. .
Flower: Tangerine Orange.

award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002.
The most popular canna of all time. Gorgeous multi-coloured foliage. The ultimate garish canna and not for those sensitive souls who don't like clashing colours.

We fought a legal battle to free it from Plant Breeders' Rights and make it available for anyone to sell. For details see here

To retain the colour of the foliage, it is better grown in some dappled shade (actually, this is true of all cannas with brown or red leaves).

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Also known as Canna iridiflora,
C. iridiflora 'Ehemannii'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Very tall
Foliage: Very large bright green leaves.
Flower: Cerise, nodding trusses.

A heritage variety.
award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002. An unusual but very beautiful canna. Often wrongly referred to as Canna iridiflora (it is a sterile hybrid of C. iridiflora). It is one of the oldest hybrids, dating from the 1860's.

Having parentage of C. iridiflora gives it distinct characteristics of giant foliage and nodding flowers. We also feel that it is somewhat hardier than other cannas. On the downdside, the rhizomes are close-packed and woody, and difficult to divide.

The parent species grows wild in the mountains of Peru from Cusco to Huanuco. It looks very much like 'Ehemannii'. We'd really appreciate some seed if anyone is out that way.

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Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Bronze
Flower: Red.

An old french variety

En Avant

'En Avant'

Price £12


Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: yellow with red spots.

A heritage variety

There are a number of cannas having yellow flowers with red spots, but this is the "classic" and in our opinion the best.

Canna E Neubert

'Eric Neubert'

Also called 'Verdi'

Price: £14.00 each


Height: Medium.
Foliage: Pale bronze.
Flower: Flame orange.
award of merit

Brilliant orange flowers with a touch of yellow in the centre which adds to the flame effect. The bronze foliage is lightly striped, which enables us to identify this variety even when it is not in flower.

Very similar to (and may be the same as) the old variety 'Verdi'.

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the stripey leaf



Out of stock for 2024

Height: Short/Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: White with pale yellow centre.

In our opinion 'Ermine' and 'Alaska' are identical, but we keep them separate in our stock.



Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Salmon Pink

An old French variety

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Canna Feu Magique

'Feu Magique'

Also called 'Feuerzeuber', 'Magic Fire'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Bronze.
Flower: A true crimson red.

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Canna Fiesta


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green
Flower: Yellow with red flash. Quite distinctive.

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Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.

Very floriferous. Early to start flowering, and flowers over a long season due to its habit of producing a generous succession of flowers from each stem,

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General Eisenhower

'General Eisenhower'

Also known as:
'La France' (probably its original name)
Tropicanna Black(TM)

Out of stock

Height: Tall
Foliage: Very dark bronze
Flower: Orange/red
award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002.

Dark bronze well-shaped foliage. Well-shaped orange/red flowers.

Canna Golden Orb

'Golden Orb'

Price: £14.00 each


Height: Medium
Foliage: pale bronze
Flower: Golden.

An unusual variety which combines a golden flower with bronze foliage. Large, well shaped flowers on a well proportioned plant with heavy foliage. One of our best varieties. Bred by English plant breeder Jim Ranger who had a nursery at Arborfield, near Reading. He was a breeder of azaleas, but when he reached the age of 70 he said "when you get to 70 you can't be waiting 4 years to see a new flower", so he turned to cannas, where you see the benefit of your labour the following year. He did his breeding the professinal way, keeping a stud book, so he knew exactly what had had crossed with what.

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'Gran Canaria'

Out of stock

Height: Short/Medium
Foliage: Green
Flower: White with yellow centre.

A member of the heritage "Holiday Island" Series

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'Happy Carmen'

Now out of stock

Height: Very short
Foliage: Dark Green.
Flower: Dark Red

The "HAPPY MISS" Cannas are a range of new Dutch varieties that are very short and chunky, and produce lots of flowers. They are happy in a 4 Litre (5") pot, or at the front of the border.

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'Happy Cleo'

Now out of stock

Height: Very short
Foliage: Dark Green.
Flower: Orange.

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'Happy Emily'

Now out of stock

Height: Very short
Foliage: Dark Green.
Flower: Yellow with red speckles.

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'Happy Isabel'

Now out of stock

Height: Very short
Foliage: Dark Green.
Flower: Pink

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'Happy Julia'

Now out of stock

Height: Very short
Foliage: Dark bronze.
Flower: Red.

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'Happy Wilma'

Now out of stock

Height: Very short
Foliage: Bronze.
Flower: Orange.

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Canna herman


Price £14.00 each


Height: medium
Foliage: Dark bronze, narrow leaves.
Flower: dark red with narrow petals.

A fairly tall but slender plant.

Bred by Dutch canna grower Herman Gerritsma and given to us as a novelty. Hence the name. We propagated it and included it on our stand at the Hampton Court Flower Show where we were pleased with sales. So here it is in our catalogue.

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Canna Indiana


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Tall
Foliage: Green
Flower: Brilliant orange.

A very tall and vigorous plant with pale green lance-shaped foliage and bright orange flowers. Produces masses of seeds.

Canna Intrigue


Price £14.00 each


Height: Tall, 2m
Foliage: Bronze
Flower: Orange.

A tall canna with dark brown narrow lanceolate leaves. Basically a foliage plant but with rather nice but small orange flowers. Sometimes confused with 'Mystique', which is exactly the same foliage and shape plant but with red flowers.

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Canna Jivago


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Orange

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Out of stock for 2024

Height: short/medium
Foliage: Green
Flower: yellow with speckles

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'Lesotho Lil'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Very tall
Foliage: Green
Flower: orange

A very impressive plant, taller than tall, with a good flower.

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Canna Lolita


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green
Flower: Cerise pink with a pale yellow edge.

Canna Louis Cayeux

'Louis Cayeux'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Tall
Foliage: Green
Large Creamy pink Flower.
award of merit award of merit

RHS AGM Awards 1906 and 2002.
The two awards say it all.

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Price: £14.00 each


Height: Tall
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Orange

A foliage plant. Giant and heavy variety from France.

It produces a big cluster of large Apple shaped rhizomes. Digging up a row of these in the autumn is quite a heavy job.

Several of the large foliage varieties similarly produce a heavy crop of rhizomes, eg Musifolia, Russian Red, Purpurea, Argentina, Queensland Arrowroot, C. altensteinii, C. discolor. The theory is that these were the cannas used as a food crop. They are still a food crop in some parts of the americas, eg colombia, Bolivia, and in the far east. The rhizomes are tough and stringy and are used to produce high quality cooking flour. Queensland Arrowroot was a commercial crop in Australia for producing industrial starch. For recipes Google search for example Bizcochos de Achiras (achiras means cannas). We hope to have more of these cooking varieties in our catalogue in due course.

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Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Bronze.
Flower: Peachy.

We obtained our original stock as an un-named variety from a wholesale importer of plants. Clearly it had been professionaly bred which can be seen from the large sturdy flower, the bronze spoon shaped leaves, and general shape of the plant. If anyone has a name for please let us know. In the meantime we will call it Marlena, which seems to fit.

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Canna Montaigne


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Bronze
Flower: Orange/red.

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'Musifolia Grande'

Syn: 'Musifolia', 'Grande'

Out of stock for 2024
award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002.

The banana leaf canna.

A giant variety, over 2 meters. Green leaves with red veins and edges, and red stems. Suitable for the larger garden, National Trust properties etc.

It rarely flowers in the English climate because by the end of summer it has not reached its full height. The flowers are small orange species-type.

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A row at our nursery

Canna Mystique


Now out of stock for 2024

Height: Tall
Foliage: long narrow dark brown leaves,
Flower: red

award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002.

Primarily a foliage plant but with delicate red flowers. Intrigue is similar but w1th orange flowers.

The leaf

The flower

Canna Orange Chocolate

'Orange Chocolate'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: medium 1.5 mtrs
Foliage: Dark Bronze
Flower: Tangerine Orange,

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Canna Orange Punch

'Orange Punch'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: medium 1.5 mtrs
Foliage: green
Flower: Brilliant orange.

A favourite at RHS Wisley Garden, where it has been featured in floral displays for the past few years.

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Canna Panache


Out of stock for 2024

Height: tall, 2mtrs
Foliage: Glaucous green narrow leaves.
Flower: Cream with a mahogany centre.

Quite unlike any other canna. Most people love it at first sight.

another photo grown in large tubs at RHS Wisley Garden

Canna Panama


Out of stock for 2024

Height: tall 1.8 mtrs
Foliage: Dark green.
Flower: Rich pure yellow.


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Canna Perkeo


Syn: 'Fatamorgana'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green
Flower: Creamy pink.

Also known as 'Fatamorgana'

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'Pink Perfection'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Large, shocking pink.

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Canna President


Syn: 'Mr President'

Price: £14.00 each


Height: Medium
Foliage: Green
Flower: Scarlet.

A sturdy plant of medium height, with fleshy pale green foliage and large scarlet flowers.

Much beloved of London parks in years gone by.

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Canna Pretoria


Syn: 'Striata', 'Bengal Tiger'
'Palida', 'Malawiensis'.

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Striped green and cream
Flower: Tangerine Orange.
award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002. An exceptionally popular variety.

The unique feature is the foliage, which is herringbone stripes, cream on green. It has exactly the same large orange flower as 'Durban (to which it is genetically related).

This is one of the best canna varieties, and one of the 'classics' of the canna world. It never fails to please.

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Canna Prince Charmant

'Prince Charmant'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Pink

A delightful canna with well-shaped pale pink flowers with a touch of yellow. Bred in 1922 in France.


'Pringle Bay'

Syn: 'Pink Sunburst'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Very short,
foliage: variegated red and green .
Flower: Pink

An old variety discovered at Pringle Bay in South Africa, and named Pringle Bay by the person who found it. Later taken to the USA and renamed 'Pink Sunburst', by which it became widely known. It's an interesting story which came to us from a grower in SA, which we can't verify. But according to the rules of plant nomenclature, it's the first name that is valid, and we prefer the name 'Pringle Bay' anyway.

Very short, rather difficult to multiply, and prone to dying in the winter! But it is distinctive, and attractive, and deserves a place in the history of cannas.

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Canna Purpurea


Out of stock for 2024

A giant variety, over 2 mtrs, with bronze foliage. Upright (fastigiate) growth. Small orange flowers.

We stock 'Purpurea', but we feel that 'Russion Red' is an improved version.

We supplied Wisley Garden with this variety in 2011 (see photo below). See also 'Russian Red'

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Canna Queen Charlotte

'Queen Charlotte'

Also called 'Konigin Charlotte', 'Reine Charlotte'

Out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green
Flower: Bicolour red with a yellow outer

An old variety, bred in Germany.

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'Red Tiger'

Out of stock for 2024

Medium height.
Foliage green with a cream herringbone pattern.
Flower: red

A recent variety from a grower in Thailand.
Best described as a 'Pretoria' with a red flower.


'Regal Red'

Price: £12.00 each


Height: Tall
Foliage: green
Flower: red

A big and vigorous canna with bright green folaige with smallish crimson flowers

Canna Richard Wallace

'Richard Wallace'

Syn: C. lutea

Out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green
Flower: Yellow with red speckles.

An extremely vigorous canna which produces masses of new shoots each year.

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Canna Rbert Kemp

'Robert Kemp'

Syn: Canna compacta

Out of stock for 2024.

A species canna with rather small orange flowers and green foliage. Some would say that it's not a true species, but just a variation on the C. indica theme.

It doesn't have much going for it except for its vigour and its ability to procreate. It produce masses of rhizomes at the end of the season, and being a species it is also a producer of viable seed. It was infamous at one time among those of us who were keen on cannas. It was very cheap to produce, and the saying was that whatever rhizome you bought in a garden centre would turn out to be Robert Kemp, irespective of the name and illustration on the packet. For that place in the history of cannas it deserves its place in our catalogue.

Canna Roi Humbert

'Roi Humbert'

Syn: 'Red King Humbert'

Out of stock

Height: very tall
Foliage: dark bronze.
Flower: large, dark orange/red.

An impressive plant for the herbaceous border.

The flowers remain somewhat funnel-shaped.

A leaf

Canna Roi Soleil

'Roi Soleil'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Deep red.

Canna Roma


Out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green
Flower: Bicolour red and yellow.

Large flaccid flowers.

An "Italian Series" canna bred around 1900. There are several similar varieties, and we are not exactly sure of the name, particulatly since the patterning can be variable - some flower have more yellow, and some less. If anyone has an opinion on this please let us know.

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'Rosa Fuerta'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: large, Pink.

The name literally means "Strong Pink" in Spanish. Our stock came from Chile.

Canna Rosemond Coles

'Rosemond Coles'

Out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Bicolour, red and yellow.

Although we say "medium height" it is actually a stocky plant with thick bright green foliage, and large heavy flowers which are red on the front and yellow on the reverse.

Russian Red

'Russian Red'

Now out of stock

award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002.

A giant variety, 2 mtrs+, with very dark reddish bronze foliage. Small orange flowers.

Suitable for the larger garden, National Trust properties etc.

We identified this variety as an improved version of C. indica 'Purpurea' (it has bigger and darker leaves).

The old variety 'Rubra Superbissima' is identical and may be the same.

Very large apple-shaped rhizomes. We believe one of the varieties used for food. We've tried it, but it is not to our taste, and rather stringy.

We submitted it to the 2002 RHS Canna Trial where it received the RHS AGM Award. 'Purpurea' was submitted to the same trial by the RHS itself, and failed to win an award. Nuff said!

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another photo - a row

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Out of stock for 2024

Height: Tall
Foliage: Dark Bronze.
Flower: Pink with silver sheen.

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Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Yellow with red speckles.

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Out of stock for 2024

Height: Tall
Foliage: Bronze
Flower: Rich orange.

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Canna Shenandoah


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Pale bronze
Flower: Shocking pink
award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002. This is an old variety, and one of the most spectacular of the pink varieties.

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Singapore Girl

'Singapore Girl'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Tall, 2mtrs
Foliage: Very big pale Green leaves
Flower: Tangerine orange.

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Large bright orange flowers, and a tall, bright green plant.


'Society Belle'

Out of stock

award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002.

An old variety with a new name and an interesting history. In 2002 RHS Wisley Garden submitted a distinct but un-named cultivar to the canna trial being conducted that year in their trials Area. It was a variety widely grown and even naturalised in the wilder parts of the garden. It had no variety name so they simply called it C. indica cultivar. Within the few summer months of the trial, the 3 rhizomes that they planted grew into an enormous clump, and so impressed the judges that they awarded it the coveted AGM Award.

The following quotation is from the RHS Trial Report published in September 2003: "An excellent foliage plant. The attractively translucent large paddle shaped leaves are green with a fine purple margin and dark stem. Well furnished from the base. Flowers are insignificant and bright red".

This variety then retreated into obscurity, but continued to be grown as a naturalised plant in the RHS Garden. Pan forward to 2013. We had acquired specimens of this plant from the RHS, and we felt that it deserved to be marketed commercially. So we approached the RHS and suggested that a plant with an AGM award should be given a variety name. The RHS duly gave it the variety name 'Society Belle'.

We agree with the RHS report except that that the flower colour is orange not red. This must be an editorial error because they correctly state the colour in the technical part of the report. We add that it is distinct from other big foliage cannas such as 'Musifolia Grande' (ie it is not reminiscent of a banana plant). It is also distnct from fully green leaved varieties such as 'Marabout', and from the fully bronze leaved cannas such as 'Russian Red' and 'Purpurea'.

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Naturalised at Wisley Gardens

South Pacific Ivory

'South Pacific Ivory'

Price: £12.00 each

Height: Medium, 65-80cm
Foliage: Green
Flower: Although called 'Ivory', the colour starts as pale yellow and tuns white in the sun.

South Pacific Orange

'South Pacific Orange'

Price: £12.00 each

Height: 65-80cm
Foliage: Green
Flower: Orange

See notes above

South Pacific Rose

'South Pacific Rose'

Price: £12.00 each

Height: 65-80cm
Foliage: Green
Flower: Pink

See notes above


'South Pacific Scarlet'

Price: £12.00 each

Height: 65-80cm
Foliage: Green
Flower: Orange-red with a touch of yellow in the centre.

See notes above

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Out of stock for 2024

A very unusual and distinctive canna. One of the tallest cannas, up to 2.5 meters, with narrow glaucous leaves variously striped and splashed with white. Smallish apricot flowers.

The foliage always becomes disfigured by some white areas turning brown, and there seems to be no way of preventing this. Certainly, growing them in the shade doesn't work and neither does high-potash fertiliser, or feeding magnesium (eg Epsom salts) which is sometimes recommended. But even so, it is so vigorous that this minor fault may be overlooked.

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growing wild in Tartagal, northern Argentina

Canna Tali


Out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: Bronze
Flower: Orange.

Bronze foliage and distinctive orange flowers.

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Canna Taroudant


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green.
Flower: Bicolor, Yellow with red blotches.

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Canna Triomphe


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium
Foliage: Bronze
Flower: Red.

A medium tall canna with dark bronze foliage and large orange/red flowers.

An old French variety

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'Tropical Rose'

Now out of stock

The first of the Takii 'Tropical' series.

Height: Short
Foliage: Green
Flower: Pink


This is a range of 6 varieties bred by Takii in Japan. All are very short (but not as short as the "Happy" series, which see). Fowering at around 0.3 meters to 0.5 meters (12" to 18").

They are suitable as border edging plants, and they can also be grown as pot plants in quite small pots. We recommend a 5 Litre pot (about 8") per plant.

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Tropical Yellow

'Tropical Yellow'

Now out of stock

Height: Short
Foliage: Green
Flower: yellow with pink speckles


'Tropical Red'

Now out of stock

Height: Short
Foliage: Green
Flower: Red


'Tropical White'

Price: £12.00 each


Height: Short
Foliage: Green
Flower: White

There are not many white cannas and this is the only one that is short. It is also a good shade of white.


'Tropical Salmon'

Now out of stock

Height: Short
Foliage: Green
Flower: Salmon


'Tropical Bronze Scarlet'

Now out of stock

Height: Short
Foliage: Dark Bronze
Flower: Dark red

This is a shorter dwarf dark bronze canna than 'Cannova Bronze Red'

for Tropicanna(TM)
see 'Durban'
For Tropicanna Black(TM) see 'General Eisenhower'
For Tropicanna Gold(TM), see below.

Three varieties marketed by Tesselaar International.
We understand that all three are trademaked names (TM), and that Tropicanna Gold is protected by Plant Breeders Rights in the EU.
We also believe that:
Tropicanna is the same as canna 'Durban'
Tropicanna Black is the same as canna 'General Eisenhower'
and that Tropicanna Gold is identical to canna 'Bethany'

Tropicanna Gold (TM).

Out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green with cream herringbone pattern stripes.
Flower: A bicolour,Orange and yellow.

The foliage of the plant is very similar to the foliage of canna 'Pretoria', except for a fine white line at the erge of the leaf, whereas Pretoria has a fine dark line at the edge of the leaf. The flower is tangerine orange, like 'Pretoria', but with the admixture of yellow. 'Bethany' is a known sport of 'Pretoria' Whereas T Gold is claimed to be separately bred. Our Tropicanna Gold price includes a breeder royalty payment.

Canna Whithelm Pride

'Whithelm Pride'

Now out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: Green with a bronze blush with distinctive red stem and leaf veins.
Flower: Damask pink.
award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002.

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The photo below is of a single plant and was taken at the 2002 RHS Canna Trial.
Canna Trial

Canna Wintner's Colossal

'Wintner's Colossal'

Out of stock for 2024

Height: Very Tall
Foliage: Green
Flower: Orange-red.

A giant canna. Similar in growth to 'Lesotho Lil', but the flower is a more reddish shade of orange.

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Canna Wyoming


Out of stock

Height: Very tall, over 2 mtrs
Foliage: leathery, very dark.
Flower: large, tangerine orange.
award of merit award of merit

RHS AGM Awards 1906 and 2002.

An old heritage variety which is one of the all-time favourites.

photo at mansion House, London
photo at a park, Channel Isles, Jersey

Canna Yara


Out of stock for 2024

Height: Medium to short
Foliage: Green
Flower: yellow with red speckles.

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Water Cannas

This is a range of 4 varieties which are intended to be grown as water plants. They grow with the roots and crown totally immersed in water, but they can be grown equally well in the garden border, and seem just as drought-hardy as other cannas. They are all tall plants (2 metres).

They were bred in America (at Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania) from C. glauca which is always found in shallow water. Like C. glauca, they all have narrow lance shaped glaucous (bluish) foliage, and attractive rather spidery flowers. There are 4 varieies: 'Ra' (yellow), 'Erebus' (pink), 'Endeavour' (red), 'Taney' (orange). All are named after ships (Erebus and Taney are American warships).

'Ra' is the most popular, followed by 'Erebus', and both were awarded AGM at the 2002 Wisley Canna Trial. We served on the Trials Committee (status Technical advisors as owners of the UK National Collection). 'Ra' was very popular with the Committee and was awarded AGM ststus as soon as the first flower opened. 'Erebus somewhat later. In our opinion 'Endeavour' should also have been awarded AGM. 'Taney' is not very good (though beauty is in the eye of the beholder).

In the Britich climate, Water Cannas usually die if left in the outdoor pond over winter. The rhizomes are very slender and often die during the winter even in glasshouses if allowed to go dormant. For this reason we recommend taking them out of the water and growing them through the winter as plants in a frost-free greenhouse. They are happy not standing in water.

Occasionally other canna varieties varieties are encountered with the prefix "Water Canna". In our opinion "Water Canna" refers to these four varieties bred at Longwood Gardens.


Photo of water cannas 'Ra', 'Erebus', 'Endeavour' growing in water
(The pond is hidden)



Out of stock

Height: Very Tall
Foliage: Glaucous green
Flower: Clear lemon yellow.
award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002.

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Out of stock

Height: Very tall
Foliage: Glaucous green
Flower: Pink.
award of merit

RHS AGM Award 2002.

WATER CANNA 'Endeavour

WATER CANNA 'Endeavour'

Out of stock

Height: Very Tall
Foliage: Glaucous green
Flower: Red.



Price: £10.00 each
Out of stock

Height: Very tall
Foliage: Glaucous green
Flower: Orange.

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These are the original wild cannas.

They are all native to the tropical Americas.

We find that some species are more frost-sensitive than the normal canna hybrids.

To read more about the natural history of canna species see: Canna Taxonomy

NOTE: In this catalogue we try to follow the formal rules of botanical nomenclature, which are as follows:
1. If a plant is a species, the rule is that its name is italics; the genus name is capitalised and the species name is not capitalised; for example: Canna compacta. It is acceptable to abbreviate the genus name eg Canna compacta can be abbreviated to C. compacta.
2. If a plant is a garden hybrid, then the rules are that the name is always capitalised and always enclosed in single quotes, and is usually given in a bold typeface, eg 'Robert Kemp'.
(Botanists are quite picky about these rules)

If anyone has canna species that we don't have we would be grateful if they would get in touch with us.

Canna compacta

C. compacta

Also known as 'Robert Kemp'

Out of stock

Height: Medium
Foliage: green. Distinct.
Flower: orange, compact.

C. flaccida

C. flaccida

Out of stock

Soft pale green foliage and large flaccid yellow flowers the texture of tissue paper. Enormous seed pods. Medium height.

Night flowering, pollinated by moths, and reputedly fragrant. We find the scent difficult to detect. Believed to be in the parentage of many floral varieties. It is native to the Florida Everglades where it is known as "Bandana of the Everglades". One of our contacts says you usually find it where you find alligators. It normally grows in shallow water although it will grow equally well in the garden border.

A collectors item, we find it needs hot conditions to flower. In the UK it performs better in a greenhouse than outdoors where the buds often turn to mildew. Each flower lasts barely more than a day.

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C. glauca

C. glauca

Out of stock

A deservedly popular garden plant. A medium height canna which has distinctive narrow glaucous-green foliage. Fairly large pale yellow spidery but attractive flowers.

Native and common throughout the sub-tropical americas from the southern USA to Chile and northern Argentina, and in the West Indies. It is usually found growing in shallow water.

It will grow equally well in the garden border or as a water plant in the pond, though the slender rhizomes are readily killed by frost, so in the UK it must be taken indoors for the winter.

This species is the parent of the "Water Cannas"

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C. indica sanctae rosea

Out of stock

Height short to medium. Foliage bright green. A tiny flowered subspecies of C. indica. The flowers are yellow with red speckles particularly on the labellum. The flowers are carried high over the foliage.

C. jacobiniflora

C. jacobiniflora

Out of stock

Discovered in Argentina as recently as 1988.
A fairly tall canna with orange flowers which remain almost closed.
The species name jacobiniflora means the flowers are hooded like a Jacobin monk's hood.

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C. jaegeriana

Out of stock

A tall plant with green foliage and small but distinctive orange flowers.
Native to various islands in the West Indies.
More frost-tender than other cannas.

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C. paniculata

Out of stock

A very tall plant (3m) with green paddle-shaped foliage.

Very small orange flowers, often with only one petal (the labellum).

Woody close-packed rhizomes

More frost-tender than other cannas.

C. patens

C. patens

Also known as C. limbata, C. braziliensis

Out of stock

A small wiry plant with small green leaves and rather slender stems. Very floriferous. Attractive bi-coloured flowers.

Another photo Growing at Kew gardens, Temperate House

C. turckheimii

C. tuerckheimii

Out of stock

Very big pale green plant with giant leaves and tubular orange flowers.
Makes a good foliage plant.

But more frost-tender than other cannas.

C. warszewiczii

C. warszewiczii

Non-valid names: C. brasiliensis, C. coccinea

Out of stock

A very attractive fairly short species with olive-green wavy-edged leaves with red edges, red stems, and small but brilliant red flowers. It is garden-worthy both for flowers and foliage. The red seed pods are also distinctive. It is a prolific producer of seed, and is better propagated from seed than division. Seed sown early in the year will flower the same year.

There is some confusion about the name. The taxonomist Tanaka, in his monograph, names it C. indica ssp warszewiczii ; The taxonomist Maas, in her monograph, claims that it is simply a variety of C. indica. It is quite a unique and distinct canna which needs its own name so we will use the name C. warszewiczii , which is not exact, but is complicated enough.

To hear the way the name is pronounced you need to listen to a Polish speaker (It was named for the Polish botanist Prof Warszewicz). The nearest an English tongue can get to it is "var-shay-vishi-eye".

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another photo, red seed pods

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